Sunday, March 25, 2007


I was browsing the Forum of WOW when I read this posting,
Kaos Guilds - Gay Straight-Friendly

Kaos Insurrection and Kaos Dawn are guilds on the Baelgun server of like-minded adults who like to play WoW and have fun. We are Gay, %##@!*!, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight, Asexual, and Androgynous, and assorted religion, belief, and/or lack thereof, friendly.

Last year, the case of Sara Andrews, a WOW gamer, became a big news for the gay gaming community. During her gameplay, she posted statements about recruiting WOW gamers to join her Guild which is an LGBT-friendly Guild. With her postings, her attention was caught by Blizzard and cite her that her actions could incite others to harass players. (Please check Newsweekly Article for the complete report). Mmm. Looks like they want gays to stay in the closet.

As the song says, Sugod Mga kafatid! (eerrrr. kapatid). Let's fight for our rights.

What are your views regarding gay guilds?


Anonymous said...

I just recently stumbled your website and I must say it is refreshing to find another gay gamer blogger (though I don't talk about games that often in my blog).

Honestly, I don't think we need gay specific guilds. We just need more mature and open-minded guilds/ people (yeah right, good luck with that in an MMORPG). Our guild, mostly asians around the region, in WoW is gay-friendly and there are a couple of us pinoys there who are out and proud. The officers are very supportive... the use of any discriminating words (be it towards sexuality, religion or culture) gets an immediate kick. ><

gayngame said...

@ lobster,
thanks for dropping by at the site.

yes in a sense you are right. We need more mature and open-minded people. But there are some people who really cant accept gay people even in the virtual world. and that is based on my experience playing Silkroad Online.

I just wish that the time will come where other people repect other irregardless of sexual orientation.