NAme: Ali J
Age: 19 Yrs Old
Status: Single
Age: 19 Yrs Old
Status: Single
I love to play Ragnarok Online, Flyff, RF Online.
For Ragnarok, I got a high priest, then a Scholar. My serious guilds were One Size Fits All (OSFA), Dragoons, and Excidium.
For Flyff, I had a Ringmaster named EnnisDelMar and a Psykeeper named Bottom ....lol... (mmmm.hint,hint). I Play at Bubble Server.
For RF Online, I have a summoner named Mikorie and I play at Nexus Server.
I might try Rose Online one of these days.
(Guys, if you want to meet Ali J during gameplay, you can catch him at these servers.)
I also play PS2. I like rpg's and horror games, mostly Finaly Fantasy, Resident Evil and Silent Hill...just love Silent Hill.
I also go to Bed and Government but I'm usually at The Fort, Jaipur, hittin it up with straight friends.
My message to my fellow GAYNaGAMERS: Gay Guys can be hardcore gamers too!

hyper sexy
Cute niya :D natawa ako sa names nung characters niya hahaha. Ennis and Bottom lol.
whoa... he's gay, he's a hardcore gamer, and he certainly is HOT!!
and that's reallll cool :P i wonder if i can find some gay friends around the games that i play too hehe.
Female Assist aketch sa Flyff. Bagay kami...Echos!
(Seems like I'm the 1000th visitor, lucky me!)
> Gay Guys can be hardcore gamers too!
marami ..
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