Saturday, June 16, 2007

Video Game Addiction, A Mental Disorder?

Quote from the Wall Street Journal:

"Later this month, the American Medical Association’s policy-setting body will decide whether to recommend including “Internet/video game addiction” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (a.k.a. DSM), the standard-setting catalog of mental illness.
A 10-page document prepared by the AMA’s Council on Science and Public Health suggests that addiction may be present in those whose excessive time in front of the video screen leads to “social dysfunction/disruption.”

Ay! Di pa naman ako nababaliw!Hehehe.

Well, I think everything in excess is not good. It's really, really fun to try video/online games. But take my word, don't be too tied with your gaming or you might miss other good things in life. There are other exciting things to do, you need to experience. Like, bonding with family, finding a boyfriend, watching movies, taking more focus on your work/studies, eating out with friends .......


Qtheconqueror said...

Lol. It wasn't too long ago that homosexuality was regarded as a medical/psychological disorder. Goes to show that those danged doctors don't know everything. If videogame addiction is going to be considered a mental addiction, they might as well add gambling addiction, porn addiction, and a whole lot more of the petty addictions most people have.

joelmcvie said...

Q: Actually, excessive gambling, sexual frustration and other addictions and dysfunctions are already listed under mental illnesses or behavioral disorders.

The debate is more on: at which point is gambling or porn considered excessive? Petty dabbling is just that--petty. But playing online for two days straight without eating is generally considered unhealthy behavior.
